The client


The client, Teachers4Teachers (T4T) is an organization of volunteers that focuses on advancing educational development in Kenya. They gather teachers in the Netherlands, who get prepared to teach how to teach the best possible way to the teachers in Kenya. T4T works with approximately 450 Kenyan schools in the coastal province of Kwale, which is located in the south of Mombasa. They work closely with the regional Kenyan government, which has incorporated their program into its education program. A number of school boards in the Netherlands support their work in Kenya financially and through staffing.


The person who’s the representative of the organization, as well as our counsellor, is Ruud Musman. He’s an education advisor, trainer, coach, supervisor and confidential counselor for education and childcare. Ruud has multiple positions at Teachers4Teachers. He’s a Coach at the course for headteachers in Kenya, supervisor of teacher and director trips and trainer of Kenyan coaches. 

The pva 

The website 

my pop

The assignment and desired results.

We’re going to do research on how we can improve the way Teachers 4 Teachers work with Kenyan teachers, by giving advice.The client expects a report, in which we advise the client on how they can improve the way that they help the teachers in Kenya to understand and control the competences (explained in preliminary research) better with examples.